Attorney Matt Durham published “Uniformed Service Members: The Oft-Overlooked Protected Class” in COMMUNIQUÉ, an official publication of Clark County Bar Association. ...
Category: Media Mention
Clear Filters
Attorney Jonathan Black authored “California Franchisors Await High Court Ruling” published in the Daily Journal. ...
Jonathan Black authored “Valuation of Social Media Content and Contacts” in the PLUS Journal....
March 21, 2017
Private Lives, Public Policies: A New Standard of Care for Health Care Data Protection
Attorney Leila Narvid published “Private Lives, Public Policies: A New Standard of Care for Health Care Data Protection” in The Recorder....
Attorney Leila Narvid published “New health services bring new risks to consider” in Healthcare Risk Management...
Leila Narvid published “New laws clamp down access to medical records” in Healthcare Risk Management....
Corporate counsel have to accept it: Blogs and social media have completely re-shaped the landscape. When a mad former employee tries to bring his old company down with him — GCs need to get savvy and fight back....
Partner Matt Durham authored “New Department of Labor Overtime Regulations on the Horizon” featured in the Nevada Lawyer....
Attorney Sarah Odia authored “Nevada Supreme Court: Insurers Must Provide Independent Counsel for Their Insureds” in the Nevada Lawyer....
One frequently litigated issue in the insurance-coverage world is whether an insurer has committed bad faith by failing to settle a third-party claim. This article reviews the recent appellate decisions, the direction in...
Attorneys Benjamin Nix and David Grant authored “Will California Like Social Media Tombstone Announcements or Will Employees Have to Unfriend Their Social Media Client Contacts?” for the Association of Business...
Matt Brown and Rachel Warren authored “On the Horizon for 2015: Two New Laws Employers Should Prepare For” published in the Orange County Business Journal. ...