January 9, 2024

2023 Key Legislative Developments

Following is a summary of significant California employment legislation enacted into law in the 2022-2023 legislative session, and effective Jan. 1, 2024 (unless otherwise noted):

Topics Include:

1. Discrimination, Retaliation, and Harassment in Employment

  • Protected Employee Conduct (SB 497)
  • Employment Discrimination: Cannabis Use (SB 700)

2. Leaves of Absence

  • Sick Days, Paid Sick Days Accrual and Use (SB 616)
  • Leave for Reproductive Loss (SB 848)

3. Wage and Hour

  • Fast Food Restaurant Industry: Fast Food Council: Health, Safety, Employment, and Minimum Wage (AB 1228)
  • Minimum Wage: Health Care Workers (SB 525)

4. Occupational Safety and Health

  • Occupational Safety: Workplace Violence: Restraining Orders and Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (SB 553)

5. Employee Benefits

  • Employment: Benefits: Electronic Notice and Documents (AB 1355)

6. Public Employment

  • Days and Hours of Work: Religious or Cultural Observance (SB 461)

7. Unfair Competition / Covenants Not to Compete

  • Contracts in Restraint of Trade (AB 1076)
  • Contracts in Restraint of Trade (SB 699)

8. Arbitration and Mediation

  • Civil Procedure re. Arbitration (SB 365)

9. Miscellany

  • Labor Code: Alternative Enforcement (AB 594)
  • Employers: Agricultural Employees: Required Disclosures (AB 636)
  • Employment: Rehiring and Retention: Displaced Workers (SB 723)
  • Grocery Workers (AB 647)

10. Vetoed Legislation

  • Discrimination: Family Caregiver Status (AB 524)
  • Relocations, Terminations, and Mass Layoffs (AB 1356)
  • Discrimination on the Basis of Ancestry (SB 403)
  • Displaced Workers: Notice: Opportunity to Transfer (SB 627)
  • Grocery Workers (SB 725)
  • Employment Discrimination: Unlawful Practices: Work From Home: Disability (SB 731)

Regulatory Updates

  • Modifications to Employment Regulations Regarding Criminal History

For more information on the topics mentioned, please refer to the PDF below.